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 A Closer Look at Pediatric Sports Medicine

 A Closer Look at Pediatric Sports Medicine

Many people think of children as mini versions of adults. However, as their bodies develop, there’s more going on than simply changes in size. Bones, ligaments, muscles, and tendons respond to stress differently in pediatric patients than they will after physical maturity. 

That’s why pediatric sports medicine is a dedicated field and why Princeton Sports and Family Medicine, P.C., specializes in this important subsection of medicine, supporting young athletes of all abilities and levels. 

Let’s take a closer look at pediatric sports medicine and why it’s essential for your junior athlete. 

Specialized treatment

While emergency and urgent care facilities can treat any sports injury that arises, this type of care is episodic, treating the issue at hand but often without follow-up or deeper investigation into the factors that may have contributed to the injury. 

The mechanics of a young body respond and work differently than adults. In many cases, these mechanics contribute to some types of athletic injury. At Princeton Sports and Family Medicine, P.C., we treat not only the injury of the moment. Instead, we dig deeper to find risks for re-injury and suggest preventive exercises and techniques to prevent future injury. 

Pediatric communications

Medical diagnosis often depends on a patient’s description of their symptoms. This ability grows alongside your child’s body. A baby responds to digestive issues by crying, while a toddler might say, “My tummy hurts.” Your child may be well into their teens before they can accurately describe what they are feeling.

Our pediatric sports specialists speak your child’s language and nonverbal cues. We know how to connect with children, quell any nervousness they may have about exams and treatment, and spot signs of injury that young athletes may not be equipped to describe. 

Prioritizing conservative care

Most athletic injuries are treated without surgery. That said, developemnt of good movement is essential for using the body’s natural healing abilities for the most reliable recovery and long-term prognosis. Because children’s bodies change so rapidly, every injury is unique, requiring careful, thoughtful, and customized treatment. 

Caring for the entire athlete

Since we provide primary care services and pediatric sports medicine, we can follow your child’s overall development and sports endeavors. 

Children who participate in competitive sports may even benefit from our sports performance evaluations — a way to identify movements or training techniques that may lead to future injury and correct their form before it creates orthopedic problems. We can help with sports participation physicals, too. 

Call or click to make an appointment with Princeton Sports and Family Medicine, P.C., to keep your child on top of their game. 

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